The History of CAC
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In the Beginning…
Thanksgiving 1962 saw the beginnings of the first incarnation of a community dedicated to Awareness, the Organization of Awareness, with Ralph Duby as Interpreter. People came from all across America, and a few from even further, to become a part of this organization. Among those who heard the call was a group of individuals from Olympia,Washington. This group included Avaton and Sam Millar, both of whom would go on to found the organization Cosmic Awareness Communications. Recognized for his Administrative skills and willing soul, Avaton was quickly put to work as Minister of Communications. He was later overwhelmingly elected by the other board members to the position of Membership Minister. Continuously acknowledged by Cosmic Awareness and the organization’s members as a dedicated and talented administrator, he quickly became the only person in the organization to answer directly to Cosmic Awareness.
Open Here For More About Avaton
Avaton was born in Medford, Oregon in 1927 and spent his early years in the fruit orchards his family owned until
the Great Depression. Harry and David took them over, a well known commercial fruit brand. He was the second of the three children of Amos and Paula Turnbow. After spending time serving as an MP in the army, he took his discharge and attended the University of Nebraska. At university he became active in the school newspaper, starting a lifelong association with the printed word. While attending the University of Nebraska he became well known for ‘sleeping his way through Russian’. Using a tape recording of the language while he slept, he neglected daytime study and caused a stir when he passed his course in Russian. This led to his involvement and ascendance as a recognized authority in the area of self help tapes and self-hypnosis. Later he would launch the Sleep Learning Research Association, which he ran until turning his energies to the Awareness movement.
After spending time serving as an MP in the army, he took his discharge and attended the University of Nebraska. At university he became active in the school newspaper, starting a lifelong association with the printed word. While attending the University of Nebraska he became well known for ‘sleeping his way through Russian’. Using a tape recording of the language while he slept, he neglected daytime study and caused a stir when he passed his course in Russian. This led to his involvement and ascendance as a recognized authority in the area of self help tapes and self-hypnosis. Later he would launch the Sleep Learning Research Association, which he ran until turning his energies to the Awareness movement.
At university, he met his first wife, Jean, and they had six children. Later they would be blessed with eight grandchildren and six great grandchildren, with more in the future. His children remember fondly his love of nature and all things spiritual as well as his lively sense of humor. He encouraged all to make their own way in the world regardless of convention. All six remember being drafted into collating, stapling and folding back in the early years of CAC.
Turnbow Family
While at University he spent time pursuing several interests. While discovering more about sleep learning, he worked as a park ranger during the summer, where he acquired his love of nature. After graduation he entered the advertising business and was very successful, but found the atmosphere adverse to his particular desires. His Sleep Learning Association was taking off and demanding more of his time. Always the independent, he eventually decided the money in advertising wasn’t worth having a boss. He took his growing family and struck out on his own. After moving to the Pacific Northwest, Avaton became a small local business owner when he opened the very first head shop in Olympia. He continued to be an important local figure, patronizing the arts, engaging politically and offering loans to small local start ups, even after closing his shop. He was never one to seek out credit preferring to remain behind the scenes. A few years after his amiable divorce with Jean (the two would remain good friends throughout their lives), he met and married Vikki. She would join him in his work and daily life for the next four decades.
In the years since founding CAC, Avaton has been the driving force behind the editing, inserts and “Wind from the Editor” that made CAC so different. His eclectic taste made him and his work for CAC unique. Always one to buck convention, (he loved Opera and football, classical literature and dirty jokes, technology and metaphysics) he found great satisfaction in defying the Powers That Be, by bringing the messages of Awareness to the public. His tireless energy and dedication made CAC possible. He passed quietly at home on May 21, 2011, days before his and Vikki’s 42nd wedding anniversary and just a month shy of his 84th birthday. Headquarters is not the same without him.
Since Avaton’s passing, Strongbow has taken the reins and now fills the role of editor. He still uses the same templates originally created by Avaton. At headquarters it isn’t uncommon to find his notes scribbled across files or have comic strips he enjoyed, tucked in a pile of papers. His influence is still felt by all those at CAC.
Open Here For More About Sam Millar
Sam Millar
Sam Millar was the Vice-President and Co-founder of Cosmic Awareness Communications and an active participant in the organization until his death on February 2nd, 1995 after having lived the last five years battling kidney failure and congestive heart failure. Sam was born in Regina, Canada on December 23, 1931. His family moved to California where they owned and operated “The Furnace Creek Inn”, a popular Death Valley Resort. Sam moved to Olympia, Washington in the 1950’s and worked at various jobs. He was working as a freelance newsman when he captured the only footage of a run-away train destroying several businesses in downtown Olympia.
Sam had several jobs and enterprises including working for the State Government, the State Patrol and Anderson Transfer, a local Olympia Area moving company. He owned and operated a small bookstore, a museum, and a hypnotherapy clinic. He also published a popular local newsletter called “the Monday Morning Misery”. Always busy, Sam also invented several new age divining tools.
One of the original Co-founder’s of CAC, Sam was not only Vice-President of the organization but also the CAC Tarot Reader for many years, with his readings being well known as some of the best world wide. Sam made unparalleled contributions to CAC and provided the membership with an extremely valuable service. He will not soon be forgotten.
After several severe heart attacks, the interpreter, Ralph, finally transitioned in January 1967. Awareness later said he embodied the energies of Rhyee, the original separateness, and his return to the Godhead marked the beginning of the mass energies returning from separateness and the beginning of the end for the Dark Forces’ power on Earth. After the passing of their interpreter the Organization of Awareness experienced much upheaval. Financial stress and disagreements over what information should be released lead to a splintering of the organization and its eventual collapse.
Enter the Interpreter…
Organization of Awareness ended shortly thereafter and Servants of Awareness was founded, with David Worcester as its Interpreter. This incarnation continued for 3 years, during which time Vikki T (future co-founder of CAC) became involved. David hosted an “August Affair” and at this function the future founders of CAC were approached by Paul Shockley, a man who would change their lives. Paul was doing Awareness readings but had no idea how to make them available for the good of all people, so they put their heads together and began to go down a path that would become a powerful force for good in so many lives.
After this time of change and transition a solidity of purpose returned. In the summer of 1971 there was a confluence of energies and entities; Avaton (deceased 2011), Sam Millar (deceased 1995) and Vikki T, answered the call to continue the work. Paul Shockley (deceased 2006) would be their Interpreter for the next 26 years. Cosmic Awareness Communications (CAC) was born.
Open Here For More About Paul Shockley
Paul Marcus Shockley
Paul Shockley
Paul was a singularly incredible man. He served as interpreter for CAC for many years, helped hundreds of people come closer to knowing who, in fact, they really are and was president of the Aquarian Church of Universal Service.
Paul passed over into spirit, May 9th, 2006, and a Memorial was held at his home in McMinnville, Oregon, on May 21st. Previously a stroke, heart attack and diabetes confined him to a nursing home. He never fully recovered from these health complications.
Paul’s channel opened up many years ago when he first participated in the Cosmic Awareness Spiritual Development Lessons, given by Awareness through a previous Interpreter, Ralph Duby. Paul was the most prolific of all the Cosmic Awareness Interpreters. He also provided hundreds of personal readings over the years to CAC members. For some 20 years Paul would drive up to Olympia once a month, spend 3 to 5 days giving readings then return to Oregon. His readings would provide a wealth of information, more than enough to keep the CAC staff hopping until his next visit.
Although Paul would periodically drop “bombshells” from Awareness, (“The Gathering Storm” scenario, massive disclosures on the Orion alien agenda, the New World Order, etc.) believe it or not, 75% or more of his channeled material concerned philosophical, spiritual and historic information. From the very beginning, Awareness indicated that the religions of the world needed to be realigned, that the real truth of “Christianity” needed to be discussed and that the difference between the man known as Jesus and the Christ Consciousness needed to be understood. An avid seeker of truth he believed that the lies and deceptions of the Catholic church needed to be exposed. Paul Shockley was a pioneer in this area with his many readings which opened the door so others could follow.
Paul Shockley
Paul’s spotlight on conspiracies, according to Awareness, influenced mass consciousness to the point that the conspirators could no longer hide their mischief, could not stand the spotlight and hopefully have changed their sinister agenda to one that can eventually benefit humanity. (For example there are over 10,000 websites on the Internet today which deal with the alien agenda and the New World Order conspiracy).
Paul Shockley will be sorely missed by many, but the thousands of messages from Cosmic Awareness which he channeled will live forever and will serve as his legacy to humanity. Thanks to the years of diligent effort by the CAC staff, these messages will be available to CAC and other sources far into the future.
The Work Truly Begins…
Avaton, Vikki and Sam started talking about non-profit organizations and decided CAC would be the next version of the organizations serving the messages of Cosmic Awareness. Their mission was to lessen the sorrow and suffering in the world, and to help their fellow humans understand their cosmic mission, leading by the example of creative love. They had found a cause to which they could and would, dedicate their time, efforts, and lives. With determination they set out to form the fledgling organization. Vikki T, seen in the next picture with a week’s worth of mail, handled all the paperwork. She filed and achieved the non-profit status the organization has enjoyed ever since. From the beginning Vikki T has performed the functions of Correspondence Secretary, Treasurer and Office Manager. As Editor of the newsletter and founder of Cosmic Awareness, Avaton compiled and arranged Paul’s channelings into newsletter format. Sam Millar served as the CAC Tarot Reader and Vice-President of the Organization. His abilities eventually garnered him world wide respect and recognition as a premier tarot reader. They worked hard and were rewarded with the early form of the Revelations of Awareness, the same newsletter put out today.
Creating a Foundation of Dedication…
For several years they moved through various transcribers. The work was piling up as more and more people joined their organization and before long the various transcribers were no longer up to maintaining the frantic pace. Strongbow, one of the transcribers and spot illustrators who had been with them since 1976, became the dedicated main transcriber in 1980, you can see him hard at work to the right. He later added such duties as secondary proof-reader, and started the Master Index file work in 1981. From that day to this, he has worked daily with the words of Awareness, as well as the Master Index, which now houses over 350,000 entries. Strongbow also provided radio interviews on various topics as called upon over the years. Next to Vikki T, he is the longest serving member of the CAC staff.
The work continued as normal through the intense 70’s and 80’s and into the 90’s until the death of Sam Millar, seen left. After Sam passed, Lady K., who had been a tarot reader for some time, became the CAC Tarot Reader. The death of Sam Millar was not the only shift in the organization during those years. After his many years of service, Paul and CAC parted ways. With Paul gone, another Interpreter was needed and Lady K. became Grace. When Grace became the Interpreter, it was known from an earlier Paul reading that her mission would be to channel the Master Classes. “The Lessons of Enlightenment” is the form these took and is the main contribution of her time with CAC.
With the shift from reading the tarot to interpreting, they had yet again to find a CAC Tarot Reader. Shortly there after, Will Berlinghof (shown at the right with his Wife and Energizer, Callista) took over doing tarot readings for CAC members, along with his counseling work.
After Grace completed “The Lessons of Enlightenment”, she decided to pursue other projects and in 2005, Avaton urged Will Berlinghof to take the next step and become Interpreter, a role he played through Sept 22, 2015.
A Chapter Closes…
This arrangement worked beautifully until the spring of 2011 when, early one morning, Avaton passed peacefully in his sleep. He had served CAC faithfully from its inception for more than forty years, never taking a salary. The organization continued thanks to the generous stepping in of several volunteers, who along with Strongbow, proceeded to do their utmost to honor and fill the office of Editor, which is now permanently filled by a very busy Strongbow.
A New Chapter Opens…
Beginning in May of 2015, CAC began working with a new interpreter, Michelle. She enabled our organization to reactivate some services last offered in the Paul Shockley decades; specifically, personalized energizing of the monthly healing services. The focus of material Cosmic Awareness is channeling through her is on the Divine Feminine, Sacred Geometry, and Heart Intelligence — a breath of fresh air and new approach for Cosmic Principles. We welcome Michelle, and look forward to a long, productive collaboration with her.
Over and over, concepts discussed in CAC readings pop up from one place or another in the culture in general—sometimes right away, sometimes years later. The impact of more than 700 issues, thousands of pages, and countless hours of readings can never be measured. The mission of CAC remains the same despite all the changes it has undergone. Though undoubtedly CAC has helped “lessen the sorrow and suffering in the world”, the work is far from complete.
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COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who served as 'Channels' for the 'Heavenly Father' and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the 'New Age' of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully trained channels. This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age. Throughout the thousands of 'Readings' given through these various channels, Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel what is the Truth. Cosmic Awareness will only 'indicate' and 'suggest'. Neither CAC or any of the Interpreters is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness states in any of these readings, nor does CAC or the Interpreters necessarily agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness. The Interpreters interpret the energies as they see them in trance levels and are not personally responsible for what is said. The Interpreters published herein have no connection with, nor control over the editorial comments and material, including illustrations. This is entirely the responsibility of the editor. Members of CAC are invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication in this newsletter.